How Are Plastics Affecting The Environment?
The first thing that you need to know about plastic bags is how are plastics affecting the environment. Plastic has become a ubiquitous material on our planet. It is a plastic material that has long been in use but the concern is about how is plastics affecting the environment.
Facts About Plastic
One of the great disadvantages of plastic is that it is a non-biodegradable material that has no real life cycle, meaning that it cannot decompose in nature. It is also believed that these materials do not biodegrade and can pollute the natural ecosystems.
In comparison, paper is a biodegradable material that has a life cycle that involves decomposition in soil and vegetation, making paper worthy of being used for packaging and other purposes. This does not mean however that paper is an unchangeable material, it just means that while it may decompose for centuries in nature, it does not in modern society.
How Is The Environment Being Affected?
When you talk about how is plastics affecting the environment, then you also need to take into account the waste that is created by plastic materials. Plastic is definitely a material that requires re-use because it is often unable to break down, thus the waste it creates.
Many people believe that paper is a biodegradable material because it decomposes in nature, but this is not the case. Despite the fact that it can decompose over time, when it comes to paper it will not biodegrade.
Due to the popularity of paper, there is now a new form of recycled paper that uses only natural elements. This material is called Bamboo Paper, which is a biodegradable alternative.
Plastics are commonly seen on the market, particularly in forms that are seen as disposables. Some forms of plastics are said to be suitable for both personal and commercial use while others are more detrimental to the environment.
There is a new type of plastic that is made from bamboo, which is a sustainable alternative to paper. It is said that this type of plastic is more natural to the environment than traditional plastics.
Sustainable Change
Eco-systems are the biological and geological systems that affect the earth and its inhabitants, and the biosphere. The Eco-systems impact the whole of the planet.
All forms of plastics and recyclable paper are considered eco-systems because they are part of the whole eco-systems that affect the natural ecosystems on our planet. How are plastics affecting the environment is directly related to the amount of waste materials that is thrown away in modern society.
Paper is the worst type of plastic because of the way it reacts with bacteria that can pollute the natural ecosystem, especially ocean life. This is particularly true in areas such as oceans and rivers where debris is often thrown out.
Bags, and paper in general are both forms of organic wastes. What is recycling is not simply getting rid of these types of materials, it is giving them another life where they can either be composted or recycled.